363. “Structure-Function Relationships in Pure Archaeal Bipolar Tetraether Lipids”, Ahanjit Bhattacharya, Isaac D. Falk, Frank R. Moss III, Thomas M. Weiss, Khoi N. Tran, Noah Z. Burns, Steven G. Boxer, Chemical Science, in press. [pdf]
362. “A fluorogenic pseudo-infection assay to probe transfer and distribution of influenza viral contents to target vesicles”, Ahanjit Bhattacharya, Nahal Bagheri, Steven G. Boxer, Analytical Chemistry, 96, 13033-13041 (2024). [pdf]
360. “Membrane localization accelerates association under conditions relevant to cellular signaling”, William Y. C. Huang, Steven G. Boxer, James E. Ferrell Jr., Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences (direct submission), 121, e2319491121 (2024). [pdf]
359. “Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry of Single Giant Unilamellar Vesicles Reveals Compositional Variability”, Dashiel S. Grusky, Ahanjit Bhattacharya, Steven G. Boxer, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145, 275221-27530 (2023). [pdf]
349. “Recombination between 13C and 2H to form acetylide (13C22H-) probes nanoscale interactions in lipid bilayers via Dynamic Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry: cholesterol and GM1 clustering”, Dashiel S. Grusky, Frank R. Moss III, and Steven G. Boxer, Analytical Chemistry, 94, 9750−9757 (2022). [link] [pdf]
345. “Modulating the influenza A virus-target membrane fusion interface with synthetic DNA-lipid receptors”, Elizabeth R. Webster, Katherine N. Liu, Robert J. Rawle, and Steven G. Boxer, Langmuir, 38, 2354-2362 (2022). [pdf]
342. "Single-virus content mixing assay reveals cholesterol-enhanced influenza membrane fusion efficiency,” Katherine N. Liu, Steven G. Boxer, Biophysical Journal, 120, 4832-4841 (2021). [pdf]
341. “Enantioselective Total Synthesis of the Archaeal Lipid GDGT-0 (Isocaldarchaeol),” Isaac D. Falk, Bálint Gál, Ahanjit Bhattacharya, Jeremy H. Wei, Paula V. Welander, Steven G. Boxer, and Noah Z. Burns, Angewandte Chemie, 60, 17491-17496 (2021) [pdf]
338. “Halogenation-Dependent Effects of the Chlorosulfolipids of Ochromonas Danica on Lipid Bilayers,” Frank R. Moss III, Grace M. McKenna, Giulio J. Salerno, Gabrielle E. Cabrera, Matthew L. Landry, Steven R. Shuken, Thomas M. Weiss, Noah Z. Burns, Steven G. Boxer, ACS Chemical Biology, 15, 2986-2995 (2020). [pdf]
334. “Membrane tethered mucin-like polypeptides sterically inhibit binding and slow fusion kinetics of Influenza A virus”, Corleone S. Delaveris, Elizabeth R. Webster, Steven M. Banik, Steven G. Boxer, Carolyn R. Bertozzi, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117, 12643-12650 (2020). [pdf] [Stanford Chemistry Story]
333. “Target membrane cholesterol modulates single influenza virus membrane fusion efficiency but not rate”, Katherine N. Liu and Steven G. Boxer, Biophysical Journal, 118, 2426-2433 (2020). [pdf]
328. "Detecting and controlling dye effects in single-virus fusion experiments", Robert J. Rawle, Ana Villamil Giraldo, Steven G. Boxer, and Peter M. Kasson, Biophysical Journal, 117, 445-452 (2019). [pdf]
324. “pH Dependence of Zika Membrane Fusion Kinetics Reveals an Off-Pathway State”, Robert J. Rawle, Elizabeth R. Webster, Marta Jelen, Peter M. Kasson, and Steven G. Boxer, ACS Central Science, 4, 1503-1510 (2018). [pdf][Commentary] [Commentary]
323. “Ladderane phospholipids form a densely packed membrane with normal hydrazine and anomalously low proton/hydroxide permeability”, Frank R. Moss III, Steven R. Shuken, Jaron A. M. Mercer, Carolyn M. Cohen, Thomas M. Weiss, Steven G. Boxer, and Noah Z. Burns, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115, 9098-9103 (2018). [pdf] [C&News Commentary]
320. "Cholesterol enhances influenza binding avidity by controlling nanoscale receptor clustering", Isabel N. Goronzy, Robert J. Rawle, Steven G. Boxer, and Peter M. Kasson, Chemical Science, 9, 2340-2347 (2018). [pdf]
317. "Vesicle fusion mediated by solanesol-anchored DNA", Kristina M. Flavier, Steven G. Boxer, Biophysical Journal,113, 1260-1268 (2017). PMID: 28647061 [pdf]
313. "Atomic Recombination in Dynamic Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Probes Distance in Lipid Assemblies: A Nanometer Chemical Ruler", Frank R. Moss, III and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138, 16737-16744 (2016). [pdf]
312. "Chemical Synthesis and Self-Assembly of a Ladderane Phospholipid", Jaron A. M. Mercer, Carolyn M. Cohen, Steven R. Shuken, Anna M. Wagner, Myles W. Smith, Frank R. Moss III, Matthew D. Smith, Riku Vahala, Alejandro Gonzalez-Martinez, Steven G. Boxer, Noah Z. Burns, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138, 15845-15848 (2016). [pdf]
309. "Dynamic Reorganization and Correlation Among Lipid Raft Components", Mónica M Lozano, Jennifer S. Hovis, Frank R. Moss III, and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138, 9996-10001 (2016). [pdf]
308. "Disentangling Viral Membrane Fusion from Receptor Binding Using Synthetic DNA-Lipid Conjugates", Robert J. Rawle, Steven G. Boxer, Peter M. Kasson, Biophysical Journal, 111, 123-131 (2016). [pdf]
300. “Choose Your Label wisely: Water-Soluble Fluorophores Often Interact with Lipid Bilayers”, Laura D. Hughes, Robert J. Rawle, and Steven G. Boxer , PLoS ONE, 9, e87649 (2014). [pdf]
297. “DNA-Based Patterning of Tethered Membrane Patches”, Laura D. Hughes and Steven G. Boxer, Langmuir, 29, 12220-12227 (2013). [pdf]
292. “Individual Vesicle Fusion Events Mediated by Lipid-anchored DNA”, Bettina van Lengerich, Robert J. Rawle, Poul Martin Bendix, Minsub Chung, and Steven G. Boxer, Biophysical Journal , 105, 409–419 (2013). [pdf]
291. "Colocalization of the Ganglioside GM1 and Cholesterol Detected by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry", Mónica M. Lozano, Zhao Liu, Andreas Janshoff, Krishna Kumar, and Steven G. Boxer, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 135 , 5620-5630 (2013). [pdf] [Supplement] [C&E News story]
290. "Formation and Analysis of Topographical Domains Between Lipid Membranes Tethered by DNA Hybrids of Different Lengths", Minsub Chung, Bon Jun Koo, and Steven G. Boxer, Faraday Discussion, 161 , 333-345 (2013).[pdf]
279. "Vesicle Fusion Observed by Content Transfer Across a Tethered Lipid Bilayer", Robert J. Rawle, Bettina van Lengerich, Minsub Chung, Poul Martin Bendix, and Steven G. Boxer, Biophysical Journal, 101, L37-L39 (2011) [pdf][Supplement]
274. "Stability of DNA-Tethered Lipid Membranes with Mobile Tethers", Minsub Chung and Steven G. Boxer, Langmuir, 27, 5492-5497(2011). [pdf] [Supplement]
269. "Covalent Attachment of Lipid Vesicles to a Fluid-Supported Bilayer Allows Observation of DNA-Mediated Vesicle Interactions", Bettina van Lengerich, Robert J. Rawle, and Steven G. Boxer, Langmuir, 26, 8666-8672 (2010).[pdf]
266."DNA-tethered Membranes Formed by Giant Vesicle Rupture", Minsub Chung, Randall Lowe, Yee-Hung M. Chan, Prasad V. Ganesan and Steven G.Boxer, Journal of Structural Biology, 168, 190-199, (2009). [pdf]
265."A Membrane Interferometer", Prasad Ganesan and Steven Boxer, PNAS, 106, 14, 5627-5632, (2009). [pdf][Supplement]
263."Advances in Imaging Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry for Biological Samples", Steven G. Boxer, Mary L. Kraft and Peter K. Weber, Annual Rev. Biophys. 38, 53-74, (2009). [pdf]
261."Effects of Linker Sequences on Vesicle Fusion Mediated by Lipid-Anchored DNA Oligonucleotides", Yee-Hung M. Chan, Bettina van Lengerich, and Steven G. Boxer, PNAS, 106, 4, 979-984 (2009). [pdf] [Faculty of 1000 Evaluation]
258."Lipid-anchored DNA Mediates Vesicle Fusion as Observed by Lipid and Content Mixing", Yee-Hung M. Chan, Bettina van Lengerich, and Steven G. Boxer, Biointerphases, 3, 2, FA17-FA21, (2008). [pdf]
252. "Model Membrane Systems and Their Applications", Yee-Hung M. Chan and Steven G. Boxer, Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 11, 1-7, (2007). [pdf]
251. "Kinetics of DNA-mediated Docking Reactions Between Vesicles Tethered To Supported Lipid Bilayers", Yee-Hung M. Chan, Peter Lenz, and Steven G. Boxer, PNAS, 104, 48, 18913-18918 (2007). [pdf]
245. "Frictional Drag and Electrical Manipulation of Recombinant Proteins in Polymer-Supported Membranes", Motomu Tanaka, Joachim Hermann, Ilka Haase, Markus Fischer, and Steven G. Boxer, Langmuir, 23, 5638-5644 (2007). [pdf]
244. "Phase Separation of Lipid Membranes Analyzed with High-Resolution Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry", Mary L. Kraft, Peter K. Weber, Marjorie L. Longo, Ian D. Hutcheon, and Steven G. Boxer, Science, 313, 1948-1951 (2006). [pdf] [Supplement] See also: [Jay Groves' Perspectives in Science]
240. "Tension-Induced Pore Formation and Leakage in Adhering Vesicles ", P. Lenz, J. M. Johnson, Y.-H. M. Chan,, and S. G. Boxer, Europhys. Lett, 75 (4), 659-665 (2006). [pdf]
238. "Quantitative Analysis of Supported Membrane Composition Using the NanoSIMS", Mary L. Kraft, Simon Foster Fishel, Carine Galli Marxer, Peter K. Weber, Ian D. Hutcheon, and Steven G. Boxer, Applied Surface Science, 252, 6950-6956 (2006). [pdf]
237. "Diffusive Dynamics of Vesicles Tethered to a Fluid Supported Bilayer by Single-Particle Tracking ", Chiaki Yoshina-Ishii, Yee-Hung M. Chan, Joseph M. Johnson, Li A. Kung, Peter Lenz, and Steven G. Boxer, Langmuir, 22, 5682-5689 (2006). [pdf]
235. "Controlling Two-Dimensional Tethered Vesicle Motion Using an Electric Field: Interplay of Electrophoresis and Electro-Osmosis", Chiaki Yoshina-Ishii and Steven G. Boxer, Langmuir, 22, 2384-2391 (2006). [pdf]
234."E-Cadherin Tethered to Micropatterned Supported Lipid Bilayers as a Model for Cell Adhesion", Tomas D. Perez, W. James Nelson, Steven G. Boxer, and Lance Kam, Langmuir, 21, 11963-11968 (2005). [pdf]
233."Variable Incidence Angle Fluorescence Interference Contrast Microscopy for Z-Imaging Single Objects", Caroline M. Ajo-Franklin, Prasad V. Ganesan, and Steven G. Boxer, Biophysical Journal, 89, 2759-2769 (2005). [pdf]
230."Probing the Structure of Supported Membranes and Tethered Oligonucleotides by Fluorescence Interference Contrast Microscopy", Caroline M. Ajo-Franklin, Chiaki Yoshina-Ishii, and Steven G. Boxer, Langmuir, 21, 4976-4983 (2005). [pdf]
228."Supported Membrane Composition Analysis by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry with High Lateral Resolution", Carine Galli Marxer, Mary L. Kraft, Peter K. Weber, Ian D. Hutcheon, and Steven G. Boxer, Biophysical Journal, 88, 2965-2975, (2005). [pdf]
227."General Method for Modification of Liposomes for Encoded Assembly on Supported Bilayers", Chiaki Yoshina-Ishii, Gregory P. Miller, Mary L. Kraft, Eric T. Kool, and Steven G. Boxer, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 127, 1356-1357 (2005).[pdf]
226."Vesicle Adsorption and Lipid Bilayer Formation on Glass Studies by Atomic Force Microscopy", Holger Schonherr, Joseph M. Johnson, Peter Lenz, Curtis W. Frank and Steven G. Boxer, Langmuir, 20, 11600-11606 (2004).[pdf]
225."Patterned Supported Lipid Bilayers and Monolayers on Poly(dimethylsiloxane)", Peter Lenz, Caroline M. Ajo-Franklin and Steven G. Boxer, Langmuir, 20, 11092-11099 (2004). [pdf]
222. "Biosensor Arrays and Methods", Miki (Vikky) Yamazaki, Morrison Ulman, Luat T. Nguyen, Steven G. Boxer, Jay T. Groves, U.S. Patent 6,699,719, March 2, 2004, (filed July 22, 2002) [pdf]
217."Arrays of Mobile Tethered Vesicles on Supported Lipid Bilayers", Chiaki Yoshina-Ishii and Steven G. Boxer, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125, 3696-3697 (2003) . [pdf]
216."Biosensor Arrays and Methods", Steven G. Boxer and Lance Kam, U.S. Patent 6,503,452, January 7, 2003 (Filed August 4, 2000). [pdf]
214."Spatially Selective Manipulation of Supported Bilayers by Laminar Flow: Steps Toward Biomembrane Microfluidics", Lance Kam and Steven G. Boxer, Langmuir, 19, 1624-1631 (2003) . [pdf]
210."Early Steps of Supported Bilayer Formation Probed by Single Vesicle Fluorescence Assays", Joseph M. Johnson, Taekjip Ha, Steve Chu, and Steven G. Boxer, Biophysical Journal, 83, 3371-3379 (2002). [pdf]
206. "Micropattern Formation in Supported Lipid Membranes", Jay T. Groves and Steven G. Boxer, Acc. of Chem. Res., 35, 149-157 (2002). [pdf]
203. "High refractive index substrates for fluorescence microscopy of biological interfaces with high z contrast", Caroline M. Ajo-Franklin, Lance Kam, and Steven G. Boxer, PNAS, 98, 13643-13648 (2001). [pdf]
200. "Electrophoresis of DNA Adsorbed to a Cationic Supported Bilayer", David J. Olson, Joseph M. Johnson, Prateek D. Patel, Eric S. G. Shaqfeh, Steven G. Boxer, and Gerald G. Fuller, Langmuir, 17, 7396-7401 (2001). [pdf]
198. "Arrays of Independently-Addressable Supported Fluid Bilayer Membranes", Steven G. Boxer, Morrison Ulman and Jay T. Groves, U.S. Patent 6,228,326, May 8, 2001, (Filed November 26, 1997). [pdf]
194. "Patterning and Composition Arrays of Supported Lipid Bilayers by Microcontact Printing", Jennifer S. Hovis and Steven G. Boxer, Langmuir, 17, 3400-3405 (2001). [pdf]
193. "Cell adhesion to protein-micropatterned-supported lipid bilayer membranes", Lance Kam and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 55, 487-495 (2001). [pdf]
191. "Polymer-supported Lipid Bilayers on Benzophenone-modified Substrates", William W. Shen, Steven G. Boxer, Wolfgang Knoll, Curtis W. Frank, Biomacromolecules, 2, 70-79 (2001). [pdf]
190. "Molecular Transport and Organization in Supported Lipid Membranes", Steven G. Boxer, Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 4, 704-709 (2000). [pdf]
189. "Formation of Supported Lipid Bilayer Composition Arrays by Controlled Mixing and Surface Capture", Lance Kam and Steven G. Boxer, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 122, 12901-12902 (2000). [pdf]
185. "Lateral Reorganization of Fluid Lipid Membranes in Response to the Electric Field Produced by a Buried Charge", Jay T. Groves, Steven G. Boxer, and Harden M. McConnell, J. Phys Chem. B, 104, 11409-11415 (2000). [pdf]
181. "Patterning Hybrid Surfaces of Proteins and Supported Lipid Bilayers", Li A. Kung, Lance Kam, Jennifer S. Hovis and Steven G. Boxer, Langmuir, 16, 6773-6776 (2000). [pdf]
180. "Printing via Photolithography on Micropartitioned Fluid Lipid Membranes", Li A. Kung, Jay T. Groves, Nick Ulman, and Steven G. Boxer, Advanced Materials, 12, 731-734 (2000). [pdf]
179. "Patterning Barriers to Lateral Diffusion in Supported Lipid Bilayer Membranes by Blotting and Stamping", Jennifer S. Hovis and Steven G. Boxer, Langmuir, 16, 894-897 (2000). [pdf]
178. "Electric Field Effects in Multicomponent Fluid Lipid Membranes", Jay T. Groves, Steven G. Boxer, and Harden M. McConnell, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 119, 119-124 (2000). [pdf]
170. "Brownian Ratchets: Molecular Separations in Lipid Bilayers Supported on Patterned Arrays", Alexander van Oudenaarden and Steven G. Boxer, Science, 285, 1046-1048 (1999). [pdf]
168. "Writing and Erasing Barriers to Lateral Mobility Into Fluid Phospholipid Bilayers", Paul S. Cremer, Jay T. Groves, Li A. Kung and Steven G. Boxer, Langmuir, 15, 3893-3896 (1999). [pdf]
166. "Formation and Spreading of Lipid Bilayers On Planar Glass Supports", Paul S. Cremer and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 103, 2554-2559 (1999). [pdf]
160. "Substrate-Membrane Interactions: Mechanisms for Imposing Patterns on a Fluid Lipid Bilayer Membrane", Jay T. Groves, Nick Ulman, Paul Cremer, and Steven G. Boxer, Langmuir, 14, 3347-3350 (1998). [pdf]
158. "Electric Field-Induced Critical Demixing in Lipid Bilayer Membranes", Jay T. Groves, Steven G. Boxer, and Harden M. McConnell, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 95, 935-938 (1998). [pdf]
156. "Micropatterning fluid membranes," N. Ulman, J. T. Groves, and S. G. Boxer, Advanced Materials, 9, 1121-1123 (1997). [pdf]
154. "Electric Field-Induced Reorganization of Two-Component Supported Bilayer Membranes", Jay T. Groves, Steven G. Boxer, and Harden M. McConnell, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 94, 13390-13395 (1997). [pdf]
142. "Micropatterning Fluid Lipid Bilayers on Solid Supports", Jay T. Groves, Nick Ulman, and Steven G. Boxer,Science, 275, 651-653 (1997). [pdf]
140. "Architecture and Function of Membrane Proteins in Planar Supported Bilayers: A Study with Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Joshua Salafsky, Jay T. Groves, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 35, 14773-14781 (1996). [pdf]
139. "Electrical Manipulation of Glycan-Phosphatidyl Inositol-Tethered Proteins in Planar Supported Bilayers", Jay T. Groves, Christoph Wölfing, and Steven G. Boxer, Biophysical Journal, 71, 2716- 2723 (1996). [pdf]
128. "Electric Field-Induced Concentration Gradients in Planar Supported Bilayers", Jay T. Groves and Steven G. Boxer, Biophysical Journal, 69, 1972-1975 (1995). [pdf]